Showing posts with label Southland Tales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Southland Tales. Show all posts

Saturday, January 23, 2010

RV!: Southland Tales (2006)

RV!: Southland Tales (2006) Dir: Richard Kelly Date Released: November 2007 Date Seen: January 23, 2010 Rating: 4.25/5

My fourth viewing. I will never be convinced that this film isn't an intellectual stew about the destruction of history and an amazing comedy about preposterous ideas. See my wild and excited comments during my pre-birthday live-tweet by searching #rkstales.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

RV!: Southland Tales (2006)

RV!: Southland Tales (2006) Dir: Richard Kelly Date Released: November 2007 Date Seen: April 24th, 2009 Rating: 4.25/5

This is the third time I've seen this film and the first I feel truly confident in saying that I think it's a very misunderstood film. No, it's not a political commentary but rather a jarring social critique about the deluge of information. That sounds like a cop-out excuse for Kelly's spastic excesses but third times around, I saw more and more signs of how Kelly's protesting the popular opinion that Big Brother is in control. Instead, he insists that the information deluge that is the internet itself has, at the end, revealed its own intelligence and that in the age of "new media," a new dawn of loud, ahistorical hysteria is upon us. I tend to agree and I remain fascinated by the film. See my final paper for Hoberman's class. Fuck the haters, as they say.