57) The Silence (2010) Dir: Baran bo Odar Not Yet Released and Probably Never Will Be Date Seen: February 25, 2011 Rating: 3.75/5
I need to rewatch this movie. Pretty badly, actually. I remember being deeply impressed with Odar's sense of space and the film's mournful, Memories of Murder-esque atmosphere. It doesn't have Bong's film's sense of humor but it does have its showmanship, scope and deep-seated empathy for its characters. The one thing holding me back from rating this higher is the way Odar tried to protect his protagonists a little too much from being uniquely associated with their sometimes despicable actions. It's a fascinating procedural though, one that also reminded me of the Martin Beck mysteries. Man. Man oh man. This would make for an AWESOME double feature with Jar City.