Showing posts with label The Silence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Silence. Show all posts

Saturday, August 27, 2011

57) The Silence (2010)

57) The Silence (2010) Dir: Baran bo Odar Not Yet Released and Probably Never Will Be Date Seen: February 25, 2011 Rating: 3.75/5

I need to rewatch this movie. Pretty badly, actually. I remember being deeply impressed with Odar's sense of space and the film's mournful, Memories of Murder-esque atmosphere. It doesn't have Bong's film's sense of humor but it does have its showmanship, scope and deep-seated empathy for its characters. The one thing holding me back from rating this higher is the way Odar tried to protect his protagonists a little too much from being uniquely associated with their sometimes despicable actions. It's a fascinating procedural though, one that also reminded me of the Martin Beck mysteries. Man. Man oh man. This would make for an AWESOME double feature with Jar City.