Showing posts with label Gary Winick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gary Winick. Show all posts

Sunday, May 10, 2009

129) Bride Wars (2009)

129) Bride Wars (2009) Dir: Gary Winick Date Released: January 2009 Date Seen: May 10th, 2009 Rating: 1/5

Y'know, the people that made Bride Wars should have taken a page out of the Crank boys books and decided to get a lil wild and crazy and make a joke that's funny, catty or just plain offensive instead of just astoundingly numbing. Their film is so soul-crushingly stale that it doesn't even dare step out of line long enough to make a raunchy joke in a scene where the two brides have a dance-off at a (wait for it) male strip club for their respective bacheleorette parties. Even ignoring the creepy, shrewish and utterly unflattering roles these two women (Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson) are given--apparently calling your fiance on being a pain in the ass is reason enough to split though everything else in their relationship seemed ship-shape--the film is so straitjacketed in its need to be nice and bitchy that it squanders every opportunity at yuks that it gets. I mean, for fuck's sake, Paul Scheer was in a montage sequence that moved at sub-Lurhmann speed without making me laugh. The ho-mance is upon us and I has a scared.

Note: Ladies, I assure you, I am straight and single, as if that weren't already apparent. This was just a bad, bad, no good lapse in judgment on my part. I mean, the siren call of bad shit was just too powerful and it's not like I rented the damn thing....oh god, I'm not a man anymore, am I?