Showing posts with label The Woods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Woods. Show all posts

Saturday, January 14, 2012

465) The Woods (2006)

465) The Woods (2006) Dir: Lucky McKee Date Released (DVD): October 3, 2006 Date Seen: November 6, 2011 Rating: 3.75/5

I was surprised at how much I liked The Woods. By the time I saw it, I'd gotten into the McKee state of mind. So I found The Woods to be the most consistently entertaining and retrained feature I'd seen by him. At the same time, restraint is a double-edged sword when you're dealing with a filmmaker like McKee, whose films make him seem like a punk feminist or something. Don't you want him frothing at the mouth and not strait-jacketed and polite? I guess I'll take the strait jacket.

Still, while The Woods falls apart in the end (only once they have to start delving into the mythology of the school), I was pretty entertained for the most part. Bruce Campbell's over-glorified cameo is a hoot. The girls are pretty good, too. Apart from some troubled production history, I don't see why this has such a bad reputation...and I'm glad I don't care enough to find out. Because I rather like this one.