Friday, September 2, 2011

104) That Sinking Feeling (1980), 105) Gregory's Girl (1981) and 106) Comfort and Joy (1984)

104) That Sinking Feeling (1980) Dir: Bill Forsyth Date Released: February 15, 1984 Date Seen: March 23, 2011 Rating: 3/5

105) Gregory's Girl (1981) Dir: Bill Forsyth Date Released: May 26, 1982 Date Seen: March 23, 2011 Rating: 3.25/5

106) Comfort and Joy (1984) Dir: Bill Forsyth Date Released: October 10, 1984 Date Seen: March 24, 2011 Rating: 4/5

Ah. That was lovely. See my piece on Comfort and Joy and Forsyth's m.o. for Capital New York.


  1. Have you ever seen his HOUSEKEEPING from '87? It's impossible to find now, but I'd say it's my favorite. My folks had an old vhs of it when I was little. And I remember thinking the tape quality was bad then, I can only imagine how it's deteriorated.

    I still need to see all of these titles too. Think i'll start with COMFORT AND JOY.

  2. I haven't! I should. And you should def. check out COMFORT AND JOY.
